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Prep Time: 5 mins
Cook Time: 15 mins
Servings: 2

Mushroom Scrambled Egg Burrito

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Whether at home or on the go, this Mushroom Scrambled Egg Burrito adds a tasty start to your day. A Dempster’s® Original Large Tortilla is filled with fresh and tasty ingredients that are sure to satisfy. This egg-cellent breakfast recipe is all wrapped up for convenient on-the-go enjoyment

Quick and Easy


  • 2 Dempster’s® Original Large Tortillas, warmed
  • 3 eggs
  • 1/4 tsp (1 mL) each salt and freshly ground pepper
  • 2 tbsp (30 mL) olive oil
  • 1 cup (250 mL) chopped brown mushrooms
  • 4 tsp (20 mL) finely chopped fresh chives
  • 1/4 cup (60 mL) crumbled goat cheese


  1. Whisk together eggs, salt and pepper; set aside. In an 8-inch (20 cm) nonstick skillet, heat half of the oil over medium heat; cook mushrooms for 4 to 6 minutes or until softened.
  2. Stir remaining oil into skillet until heated; pour in egg mixture. Cook for 3 or 4 minutes or until the egg mixture forms soft curds; stir in chives.
  3. Arrange tortillas on a clean work surface; top evenly with scrambled egg mixture and goat cheese.
  4. Fold up the bottom of the tortillas over the filling, then fold in the sides and roll up tightly.

Tip: Try using a combination of your favourite mushrooms in this burrito.
Styling Tip: Cook mushrooms and eggs separately to keep vibrant egg colour